Monday, January 31, 2005 / Arts & Weekend - Rooms with an Atlantic view

I came across this link in the wonderful North Atlantic Skyline blog. It's an article in the Financial Times about Renvyle House Hotel. The Hotel is situated on one of the wildest parts of the very wild west of Ireland. It holds some very fond memories for me. When I was sixteen, my friend Stephen and I came across an ad in the newspaper looking for "entertainers", willing to play two week stints in a prestigous hotel in Connemara. We promptly wrote a reply letter, blowing our meagre entertaining skills into a world class music act. The hotel brought us up for an audition, and somehow we managed to convince to hire us for a summer stint. More fun than you could shake a very big stick at. We were 16, pretended we were 20 and in college so we could drink. It was such an eye opener. Back the Steve and I were convinced that we were on our way to rock and roll stardom and this was the first step on the ladder. / Arts & Weekend - Rooms with an Atlantic view


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